Lesson number one on saving money... did you know that when you leave things like your television, stove, microwave, washer, dryer...etc. plugged in you are using energy. This costs you money a few cents a day but those cents add up into dollars. Unplug what you do not use and when you go on trips unplug everything but of course your freezer and fridge.
Number two: plant a garden, even if you live in an apartment with only balcony space you can be an urban gardener. You also can find a garden co-op in your neighborhood that will allow you to "rent" space either for some produce or if you will make sure the land is taken care of. You can plant what you like and you know where it comes from, and what is on it. Peace of mind. I call this... nothing like it.
Urban planting... I find I like the pallet garden. This is where you obtain a pallet most places give them away such as grocery stores or farm and home stores. You can use trash bags that have been cut at the seem as a backing. If it is a vertical garden leave the top open but if it is a horizontal garden seals the back and all sides. Then you want good soil and hummus (type of manure) mixture. Put the dirt through the slats or top and then figure out what plants you want where..Then plant. You can start seeds or but the seedlings at your local nursery or Hardware store. Also those tubs that you store stuff in make really good potato bins that you can grow potatoes in. DO NOT use your store bought potatoes as they are prone to disease like blight, use seed potatoes. I have grown them in this container and when they are done I have actually gotten about 70 pounds of potatoes from a 5lb bag of seed potatoes. I used two large storage bins, poked holes in the bottom and three inches from the bottom all the way around. Tada... instant potato grower. I also have used them for tomatoes. I know someone that used even Styrofoam and grown both. They also used the bags of dirt with holes cut in them and planted things like lettuce, spinach. It works.. furthermore it is things that you will eat and cut money off of your grocery bill.
Until next time...
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